Killer Instinct Circuit

In an attempt to keep pace and continue to build strength in the muscles that I need for boxing, I’ve created a new workout that is not for the faint of heart. This circuit is made up of stability and core exercises. Both of which are very important in fighting. I call it the…

Killer Instinct Circuit

What to do: Perform the prescribed number of reps for each move, then immediately move onto the next. After your last exercise, return to the first move and repeat the circuit up to three times. (Beginners, follow the tips with each exercise to make the moves easier.)

Bosu Ball Squat & Press: Stand on the dome of a BOSU ball with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Squat down, then extend your legs and raise your hands to shoulder level. Press the weights above your head, then lower your arms back to the start. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

**Beginners: Do this move standing on the floor before progressing to this version

Stability Ball Toss: Begin by kneeling on a stability ball. Place your hand on a wall or have a partner support you as you extend your legs one at a time to stand on top. (A slightly deflated ball may make this easier, and taking off your socks and shoes may help you get a better grip.) Have a partner stand a few feet away – close enough to help you down if needed – and toss you another stability ball (6 to 8 lbs). Throw it back for a total of 10 reps.

**If you have any hesitations at all, stand on top of an upside-down BOSU ball and have your partner toss you a medicine ball

Med Ball Plyo Push-Up: Start in a push-up position on the floor with a medicine ball positioned between your hands. Bend your arms to lower your body towards the floor. Forcefully extend your arms, allowing your palms to leave the ground, and land with both hands on top of the ball. Replace each hand to either side of the ball before repeating. Aim for 8 to 10 reps in total.

Stability Ball “Fall”: Position your stomach on the top of a stability ball, place your hands on the floor and lift your feet. Keep your eyes on the floor and your shoulders level with the ground as you rotate your left hip towards the ceiling, then your right. (Don’t allow your feet to touch the ground throughout the entire set!) Repeat 10 to 15 times on each side.

**This exercise is a coordination exercise that helps fighters focus their eyes on their opponent while in the cage. If you’re a beginner, make your motions smaller, or keep one foot on the ground as you pivot.

|| See you in the ring ||
